Friday 25 March 2011

The Original Photograph.

On Christmas Day I went over to my Grans house. By the end of the evening we were all looking through a draw of old photographs. I came across this picture of me from when I was little. I actually like the composition, even though my head has been cut off. My father took the photograph, so please excuse his lack of camera skills. Knowing that this forgotten draw of photographs won't be looked at for many years to come, I decided to take the photograph knowing it wouldn't be missed. I plan to keep the figure exactly how it is, though this might change, and also draw over the tree.

The Tracing Paper.

I probably should have traced over a bigger copy of this image instead of the photograph, but I haven't. I drew the outline of the tree with a thin black pen and then decided to make thicker lines to suggest the outlines of the bark. I then used green paint to enhance the look of the tree/leaves. I didn't want to leave it plain, blank green, so I made numerous light pink dots. I chose pink because in the photograph I am wearing pink and green.. 


I thought perhaps it would be easiest to erase the background, but in the end I used the wand tool., which took an awfully long time.

Saturday 19 March 2011

The Final Image.

At first it was quite annoying because as I've mentioned earlier, I should have traced over a bigger version of the image. Somehow, due to tracing over the original photograph, the outline no longer matches the scanned image. I guess this makes the image quirky, so I'm not complaining. After highlighting the figure with the wand tool from another image, i pasted it onto the edit. I then added a blending change followed by moving the layer slightly to the right, hoping to cover up the outline not matching the original figure. This image has actually grown on me a lot. When I first created it I wasn't happy because it looked nothing like I'd planned in my head. I actually really like the texture of the tracing paper covering the grass and when you see it on paper, rather than the screen, I feel it looks so much nicer.